Using the sauna 4-7 times per week associated with a 40% lower all-cause mortality. Might be the HSPs! – Dr. Rhonda Patrick

Infrared Saunas Versus Traditional and Steam Saunas

The main difference between infrared saunas and traditional saunas is how they use heat. Traditional saunas use a single heater that is heating the air and this hot air heats the user.  In contrast, infrared saunas use advanced therapy to promote heat generation in the body with only a small percentage of the heat heating the air. This results in a deeper sweat and at a lower ambient air temperature. In fact, infrared saunas usually operate between 115° – 175°F, while traditional saunas can get up to 195°F.

You will get all of the relaxation benefits of a traditional sauna along with the increased health benefits that infrared offers all at a much more comfortable temperature.  Infrared saunas are also dry saunas and many users find this makes for a more comfortable sauna session. 

Why Infrared Sauna?

When you are sitting in a traditional sauna, you are sitting in a hot room; 180-220 degrees. In your Instacryo Infrared Sauna, about 20% of the heat is heating the air and the other 80% directly increases thermal energy in your body. The warming effect on your body temporarily stimulates your cardiovascular system, your immune system and your lymphatic system. Your bodies response to that is to sweat.


Infrared saunas can produce the same infrared heat produced by the sun that is required for all living things for optimum health. This radiant heat increases the thermal energy in joints, muscles, and tissues.  When used as intended as part of a healthy lifestyle, Instacryo infrared saunas may help living well with certain chronic diseases or conditions.


According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, regular use of a sauna imparts a similar boost on the cardiovascular system as running. As you relax in the gentle infrared heat, your body is hard at work producing sweat, pumping blood and burning calories. As your body increases sweat production to cool itself, your heart works harder to pump blood at a greater rate to boost circulation. This increase in your metabolism may burn calories.


Maintaining a cool body temperature is important for falling asleep. It explains why you have trouble sleeping on especially hot summer nights and why it’s easier to sleep when your bedroom is cool and dark. You can hack your body’s thermoregulation process by warming your body in an infrared sauna then allowing it to cool down after. This quick cool-down speeds up the process for your brain to fall asleep. The end result is a cool body that’s primed for sleep. By using an infrared sauna before bed, you calm your body and mind promoting restful sleep. A calmer mind sleeps better for longer than a restless one. If you make a habit out of using infrared sauna, you’ll extend these calming benefits by making it a part of your bedtime routine.


It has been known for decades that sweating is a wonderful way to get rid of stored chemicals, including heavy metals.


The idea that increased temperatures trigger the body’s immune system response is certainly not new. Fevers help your body to fight off infection by allowing certain immune cells to work more efficiently and effectively. According to the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, hyperthermia, or the exposure of the body to high temperatures, gives these cells the ability to destroy virus-infected cells and tumor cells.


Just a few minutes in the gentle warmth of an infrared sauna can help you feel relaxed, rejuvenated, and renewed.


Infrared sauna usage can also strengthen the immune system by stimulating cell regeneration. This kind of regeneration can help your body dispose of cells that might be old, damaged, or ineffective and replace them with new cells. Over time all cells are regenerated, but the heat from an infrared sauna catalyzes the regeneration process and ensures all bodily systems are running as smoothly as possible. This is especially beneficial during the cold and flu season when the body is being attacked more frequently.


$ 20

Single Session


3 Sessions


5 Sessions


10 Sessions


50 Sessions
*Best Savings




3 Months Unlimited Contract

  • Infrared Sauna Sessions Valid for 1 Full Year from date of Purchase.
  • Sessions Can be Shared.
  • Each Person is considered a session. (ex: 2 people in sauna count as 2 sessions.)
  • NO CALL NO SHOW. Automatically redeemed Session.
  • Cancellation Policy: At least 6 HOURS notice before scheduled appointment. If notified within 6 hours of scheduled appointment Session will be considered Redeemed & Credited as used.

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