Health Benefits

The ultra-cold temperatures in whole-body cryotherapy can cause physiological hormonal responses. This includes the release of adrenaline, noradrenaline, and endorphins. This can have a positive effect on those experiencing mood disorders like anxiety and depression.


Relieves Body Soreness, Recover Muscles Faster. Rejuvenate Skin and Helping the Collagen

Alleviates Muscle and Joint Pain

Cryotherapy can reduce swelling, which is tied to pain. It may also reduce sensitivity to pain. Cryotherapy may be particularly effective when you are managing pain with swelling, especially around a joint or tendon.

Boost Energy

Energy Levels Spike after a Cryo Session, while also Stimulating Caloric Burn and during a Session you will Burn 500-800 Calories.

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Frequently asked questions

Cryotherapy is the science of exposing the body to sub-zero temperatures in order to stimulate physical and mental health benefits. It reduces inflammation in the body by boosting an anti-inflammatory chemical called norepinephrine.

Cryotherapy also boosts blood circulation throughout the body which results in a higher metabolic and caloric burn rate. The treatment also increases the level of endorphins which can elevate mood and reduce stress.

In terms of beauty benefits, cryotherapy increases collagen production, which in turn tightens the skin, and brings forth a youthful glow.

Whole body cryotherapy (WBC) is a three minute treatment that exposes the entire body to extreme temperatures as low as -180°F in order to promote recovery, performance, wellness, beauty, and weight loss benefits.

Once you arrive to InstaCryo you will be greeted by our friendly staff. We will guide you through your entire stay with us.

Before commencing your session you will be asked to fill out our Client Intake Form for us to ensure that their isn’t any Contradictions that prevent you from Cryotherapy.

InstaCryo will provide you with our Gear that you Must wear inside the Cryo Chamber during your Session.          (Thermal Gloves, Thermal Socks, Shoes, and Robe) All in different Varieties and Sizes.

  • Body Must be Dry.
  • No Damp or Wet Clothing inside the Chamber.
  • Remove Jewelry from the Neck down.
  • No exposed Metals, Plastics or Foreign Objects inside the Chamber
  • Recent Tattoo must be covered.

Additional Questions please call Office

Typically a Whole Body Cryotherapy Session is 3 Minutes. 

We recommend do 8-10 sessions within the first Month and then ideally move to 3 times per week.

You will feel a RUSH of Happiness and Joy full Mood, resulting from the Endorphins being Released.

Many Clients feel a Relief of weight taken off the Body as if you were on a “Cloud”

It is normal to have your skin feeling a bit Cold. Resulting from the Cryotherapy lowering your Skin Temperature.

All Single Sessions and Packages Valid for Only 1 Year from date of Purchase. Regardless if purchase was made in store, Gift, over the phone or Third Party Partner (etc).